Valbeveiliging man klimt veilig omhoog
Fall arrest blocks

Fall arrest blocks

Man riding winches (MRW)

Man riding winches (MRW)

Climbing Wall Descenders

Auto Belay Devices

Valbeveiliging Tijdelijk

Temporary fall protection

Permanent fall protection HonoRail 8800 Hight Safety maintenance Rollercoaster

Permanent fall protection

Valbeveiliging Vanglijnen vanglijn

Safety Lanyards

safety harnesses rescue

Safety harnesses

Cursussen en trainingen

Anchor points

Valbeveiliging gereedschap beveiliging gereedschap

Tool safety

Valbeveiliging Vallastbeveiliging robotarm beveiligen

Load arrestors

Case valbeveiliging Lodewikus

Case fall protection



CWD9 Auto Belay Device


CWD16 Auto Belay



Redding en evacutatie
Davit ankerpunt

Rescue & Evacuation devices

rescueslide and hanging ladder

RescueSlide and hanging ladder

Davit ankerpunt

Anchor points

safety harnesses rescue

Safety harnesses (Rescue)

Redding en evacutatie Rescue Tipboard opblaasbaar reddingsplatform

Water Rescue and Diving Rescue

rescue evacuation rescue stretchers

Rescue stretchers

Redding en evacutatie Karabijnhaken en musketons


Redding evacutatie kernmantellijnen

Kernmantel ropes



Case Rescue & Evacuation

Height Safety, Rescue & Evacuation systems


HONOR Safety & Consultancy is an international experienced developer, manufacturer, consultant and supplier of premium height safety (fall protection), confined entry, rescue and evacuation systems. All our safety solutions are modular and made in Holland. Our objective is to offer optimal solutions for all your relevant safety risks. Wondering how we approach your work safety problem in a practical way? Come and meet us, we are HONOR.

HONOR Safety & Consultancy develops, produces and engineers high-end fall protection devices and systems.
To fall protection

Systems for safe entry and rescue from confined spaces, evacuation from high objects (production platforms), inspections in silos, reactors, et cetera.
To Rescue & Evacuation

The HONOR auto belay types CWD9,  CWD16 and CWD20 SPEED (“Climbing Wall Descenders”) are specifically developed for sports climbing, climbing walls, height courses, adventure parks and sports climb training.
To Auto Belay

Outside The Netherlands we have and expand a network of selective technical export-distributors. Quality partners trained to offer solution for ALL work safety problems.
Become a distributor?

Safety: a vital investment!